The -not so- unpredictable Irish weather

Everyone knows how much it rains in Ireland, so it is always a big concern for all my clients that are planning to do a session with me. If it is their proposal day they can be even more apprehensive of the rain ruining everything. So, I'm here to tell you that: you have to have a plan B, but if it rains it's very unlikely to be a heavy rain, and thus you can expect quick showers during the day with some dry periods in between. I always recommend doing the session in 2 places, a park and a coffee place, a museum or even at your home.
The day that Evan proposed to Emma at Ashford Castle was a day like this, it rained a bit but it wasn't a problem at all. We took some pictures inside the Castle and when it stopped we went outside for a walk around the Castle premises. And as I know how Irish weather behaves I always carry with me a pair of umbrellas in case it gets heavy 😉. We all really enjoyed the time we were together, they were over the moon with the proposal, so rain was definitely not a problem for them!
If you're coming to Ireland and you want to propose your other half, please send me a message! I'll be the one who will help you plan a perfect day, I know the best spots around the city, the best angle, the best light, everything!

I'll turn this unforgettable experience into amazing photographs!